Anon 03/13/2021 (Sat) 10:08:05 No.7335 del
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> that´s my sin. I simply stick with the already discussed and known stuff (on music sites such as Rateyourmusic) because I can tell if those records are worth checking out and then, explore more if I want.
I can understand you considering that a sin. Rather than giving something a chance you judge first by popularity, and though that may act as a filter on mediocrity but also discovering cool stuff. I actually have felt this with fanfiction before.

> I mostly linked it so I could use a point of reference and prove that nothing gets to be created in a vacuum, even inadvertently
Indeed, Tridashie made an interesting point with that but I'll have to find the video.

> downplay Radiarc´s creativity at all.
Didn't take it as such.

>What I mean here is that people tend to look at things too literally (I do this sometimes, I am not free of this pattern either) What I wanted to transmit with all my posts has been about judging the words in the literary sense.
And this is a very good point.

>Why do I feel that I could say these words at some point in my life? It haunts me to know that I have known this sense in my life as well.
Freaky enough, me too to a extent.

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