Anon 05/05/2021 (Wed) 23:37:01 No.7534 del
>Where are you on the whole FiW vs Mentally Advanced Series debate
Is there a debate? I like FiW and never really got into MAS. They seem different enough that you wouldn't normally compare them...
FiW is about misanthropy, and MAS is about obliviousness. Different mechanisms entirely.

>Are ya using alpha version tor

There's one particular problem that I think no one on the team wants to look at, and that is around .7 or early .8 they broke the browser's ability to honor browser.display.document.color_use (which I set to 2, so system colors override absolutely everything) but it doesn't matter. BRIGHT WHITE everywhere no matter what settings I choose.

Here's the end (both of them to choose from) of InkPotts' ponification of the musical, and also a re-encode of the focus-shifting because I'd squashed it so much that the focus was unclear.

Also the 3-year anniversary video from InkPotts. Yes, they make it official that "animatics" are all they're ever going to do.

That and inspire fan-fiction! Or I guess that would be Fan Video, of which I've included just one here.