Anon 05/10/2021 (Mon) 13:07:22 No.7561 del
I just want to preserve the glory of pony for others especially for newfags like me.
>I was only just getting into that site
If you have 6GB of free space you can get the torrent of almost full FimFiction archive - just to be sure.
Also, thanks for the carrots

>I still haven't tested avatars yet
You don't even have to, they are not being linked to the html anyways, it's just a proof of concept as I was running out of time (it also redownloads duplicates, not sure if the delay between downloads is enough, I don't even think it's worth trying atm)
>the comment section I chose was pretty large
>10MB of html
Whoa, that is a lot. I wouldn't say my pc is a toaster but it took 1 full minute to load on firefox, this won't scale well. We will have to load it in parts somehow, otherwise lower spec pc may not even load it.
>I don't mind a visual mess passing around source
Alright, I wanted to post major releases with full source in here anyways, but I'll probably set up some git mirror
>I have still need to answer your other questions but I am a bit pressed for time at the moment so that'll come later.
Don't worry about that, like I said i don't really need answers or anything until I actually start working on it again (which is least 1.5 month away) so there's no need to rush at all.