Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 10:06:51 No.7661 del
>And another big one! A few years old new, Freewave, Injustrial, and some other folks tried to create some sort of "reboot" to the Conversion Bureau universe. Have a PMV-ish thing that for some reason is age-restricted on YT.
Only been through 5 minutes of it but it was a... interesting experience. I find some parts of it clever and other parts make me want to bash my head against the wall.

I preseme she wasn't invovled in this and they were just using her fic covers for filler, right?

Anycase, I will have to watch this fully and look more into.

That one is wholesome and is doublebased if it is using any real claymation in that.

>All apologies if they're dupes you guys already uploaded for my enjoyment.
No apologies necessary for...
double uploads are merely DOUBLE THE FUN!


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