Anon 08/01/2021 (Sun) 09:46:29 No.7749 del
(323.01 KB 1917x1045 LookAtThemComments.jpg)
Sorry for the incredibility delayed reply. Had a lot of stuff happen around the same time as the event was reaching peak phase.

I really appreciate you sharing these tools, too bad I didn't even get back here till today, which will make sense when I explain things.

In sort
Bad news:
>Cascade failure
>Failure of two key objectives
>Comment saving redundancy not fully achieved.

Good news:
>Still got thousands of comments.
>Found a few videos that may have not been gotten by others that.

We did what we could. I will post further updates in about a day or two along with a few selected videos and everything else. All and all I salute you and any other anon lurking here who participated in this fight. So many other communities did nothing and so much was lost, but at least we still have a lot of it.