Anon 08/28/2021 (Sat) 23:00:26 No.7811 del
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>CB,feel free to express yourself.
I never haven't.
Double entendres, puns, slightly off topic images, this is indeed how I communicate.

I know on the anime boards I get frowned at because even though half the populace might be former-bronies, they have watched so much anime, so intensely, that every screenshot evokes intense and specific memories and emotions.

There have been entire threads where no one posted a word, and later they would discuss what had been discussed this time using words to clear up misunderstandings of which there were few beyond "that one is a socialist and this other saw a different series where space was mentioned"

I just want to come here to discuss life, and ponies, and maybe even pony-life though I haven't seen it yet.

But in addition to the fact that 90% of the 8kun /pone/ posts of this year were just me, poking to see if it was actually dead yet, you two are going through catastrophic life changes which, don't get me wrong, take precedence over an image-board.

But then things like
>pic attached
happen so I'll never (for the next several minutes, hours, who knows) find out if either of the two anons who promised to "get back to" my really-old-GT post will actually have anything to say or not.

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