Anon 08/28/2021 (Sat) 23:32:55 No.7812 del
>I never haven't.
eeerm, are you sure, though? There are certain details among your posts that I have detected in the past. Besides, I have a inner sense in which I can certainly tell that the people who need the greatest amount of help are those who don´t ask for it. And it´s not the first time that I have to provoke you to speak up...

>Double entendres, puns, slightly off topic images, this is indeed how I communicate.
well, I can certainly enjoy some Japanese mannerism but here in the West (even more significant in my country), we are direct and I have been doing bold moves here that could have cost me harsh replies in return, yet fortunately I didn´t...and I am still here. I expected to dive into a huge rabbithole in which I had thought that I wasn´t going to escape yet life has offered to me a new way of approaching things after living such experiences and opening up myself.

So, can tell that I am not a huge fan of indirect messages. I appreciate them for the works of art but never when people hold a mental/psychological problem.

Or when it comes to complaints in general. I appreciate a better linear communication in which the problem is directly pointed out instead of trying to make us play guessing games at what is someone trying to convey, going around without actually including the actual root of the problem. or stories, art and yes, works but when it comes to something personal that you personally hold from the inside, I prefer to see pristine and clear thoughts all the way through, so I tackle the problem better and I get a better baseline for working out a more precise response in return.

>I know on the anime boards I get frowned at because even though half the populace might be former-bronies, they have watched so much anime, so intensely, that every screenshot evokes intense and specific memories and emotions.

Or at least, not from my part. I don´t believe that any of us two wants to disrespect you. I have watched anime but the most generic ones. I prefer to listen to albums and play the guitar instead during my free time but as for the anime are not seeing that pattern, you won´t face that mindset coming from me