Anon 09/08/2021 (Wed) 08:47:21 No.7845 del
NOPE, there is not. It's behind a paywall and apparently been so for a very long time! Which means that the only way to archive it is with a account and downloading the page directly or screencaping (well, a guess a bot with your login credentials...). I would be curious to have a look as well. Am I autistic enough to spend $10 for one page of content? No. Though, I heard that the MLP thread had a 146 pages there and found a guy who did a scrape of the images and avatars (more on this later, as I gotta hit the hay) in 2018. If that was still up then 10 to 15 dollars (archive upgrade) to evil cancer maybe worth it for the perversion of history.

What kind of racket is this anyway? I can dig a signup fee. It was a very common payment model pre 2010s websites and is rational for something of a larger size to help prevent spam and make a little money, but freaking buying back from bans and changing trivial tiny things seems very exploitative and has potential for abuse. I guess it's something awful for a reason.

Sort of reminds me of Insane Journal, though even then I am not sure I would call them scummy as some of this looks, just overpriced and anarchic for what it is today.