Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 08:02:47 No.7892 del
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>Honestly, this is the song I should practice singing.
Doesn't sound too hard to attempt if ya ask me.

>"Th-there were eleven of us, we spotted her alone, she was unarmed unarmored, we had her cornered in a museum. She busted necks, smashed in heads, broke my legs. She got our guns and just, she just blew us to pieces, and she was drunk, drunk! And singing like a demon mare in heat."
<should have just sent the whisky.

>So, for weeks now I've had a sorta-sad song on my mind. I could hear the tone of the singer, didn't remember the name and he wasn't too far from average so not a weird voice.
Oh, I Know this feeling, too well. One song that haunts me is one from my childhood that I used to hear all the time on the radio. I discovered it once a few years ago but have since forgotten all but the vauge words "baby" a tune and the fact that it was my uncle's ringtone.

>it was the response, what the character was given when he sought out the nice thing.
I like it but can't fully make it out (I listen at lower volumes and rarely use headphones). I'll have to dig'em out and give a listen again.