Anon 10/05/2021 (Tue) 22:03:54 No.7941 del
>If they say it was a "thousand years" then that could leave some dark implications for her over Celestia's reign. I hope she didn't pull a Jake Skywalker!

or better yet, show up amids gen 5 and become the one that brings the wings to Sunny Starscout. It doesn´t end there because Twilight is more generous than her predecessor by also giving her a horn as a bonus. Twilight´s reign might have already end or will end in this gen...but the tradition of Larson, by giving wings to the successor is eternal.

>I unironically want to trigger someone with this line.

it´s been a long time since i have seen it. I haven´t resorted to it in the past, with much less versatility to find the proper time to use it. This time has turned out to be the first proper moment to express it. I understand the frustrations to use deliberately and still fail to see the right moment to use it. If you manage to carry it out successfully, you´d better relish that moment.

>Don't they know that the EU is the home of fascism and genocide?
you can say that again. You´d better avoid classical music unless that you want to raise your kids as fascist. Beethoven was the root of all the evils that has been occurring around here.

>My goodness, I didn't see it before.
This is what happens when isolationism doesn´t work anymore. The little demons grow and they eventually take over. You could have prevented this.

>You better watch out L23 listening to Smells like Teen Spirit may make you unleash your inner Franco and start another white terror.

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