Anon 01/27/2022 (Thu) 22:16:23 No.8128 del
>Project Pegasi
>At most I would maintain contacts with some people
I think that this would increase the chances that you'll get notified significantly. Like, I don't know anything about psychology but I think that if you tell people directly instead of just some general "info post", you'll get higher chance that they'll actually "remember" you, if you know what I mean. Of course more general message should work as well.

>Project Cerberus
This is interesting and logical + planing ahead for possibilities is never a bad idea. I don't even think you would need fully working Pegasi project for this to be useful (of course it would be more effective) but having some plans prepared in general with roles you could pick sounds good to me.

>With Project Pegasi. No. I would at most have a specialty thread here[...]
I see, it would be probably good to have some fallback place if this one decided to go down in some really bad time.

>This is a very real problem. The hope is distributed and light workload makes the barrier of participation low enough.
I can agree with this, good organization and low effort barrier should increase participation

>I love the RSS warning idea and I think it is worthy of pursuing with..
Well, I'm glad you like it but
>...or instead of this

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