Anon 12/01/2022 (Thu) 07:52 No.8483 del
Two unrelated notes.
C-sharp, and b-flat.

...No, wait.
Okay, so e621 has now two images tagged 'tikbalang' - but twibooru has seven.
The tikbalang is an attempt to spell a Filipino word for a mythological horse-monster that looks like a bipedal anthro-horse with super long limbs and probably wants to eat you.
I think they look cool, actually. The one on e621, smoking dejectedly while drinking coffee from somebody's skull is almost SCP-worthy; an odd conjunction of creepy and depressing.

Second, A State Of Sugar has a new album. I'd drop some tunes from the new Ponies@Dawn album but it doesn't release until next Saturday, a week and a half out.

Everything in its wrong place, eh?