Anon 12/09/2022 (Fri) 06:01 No.8504 del
>frown upon or treated like ...way too harshly and unwelcoming

I didn't do that initially, I was posting over here, but was given the recommendation to make a new thread to interact as the thread I was using wasn't suitable apparently

I think a lot of that negative standing on introductions and name using stemmed from power mods on 4chan as names were common until /mlp/.

I like meeting new people in the community, always have.
Someone I've known for like, 8 or 9 years now mentoined this place to me so I figured I'd come over and say hi as a result. pure curiosity really.

I typically post on the /b/read on 4chan, though I've taken a rbeak the last week or two.

No, that isn't me. My full 'name' is Raptor Baptist, but for obvious reasons no one, not even myself really use th elast part of it.

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