Anon 12/09/2022 (Fri) 12:22 No.8511 del

>simple answer
Probably, but it's best not to judge a book by it's cover, afterall.

Fair enough, I had my first encounter with a pony group on 8chan way back now after what hotwheels described as the 11th exodus, but was basically when mods when nuts over gamergate if memory serves correctly.
It was a long time ago though

>old /b/ community
I've joined their group, but I wasn't around initially, as I said, my first real encounter(though second overall) with a pony group happened on 8chan after aforementioned exodus.
I hung around after getting to know a few of the posters and haven't left since.

yeah it's slowly becoming more and more like that, initially it wasn't, but I guess a bunch of Ne'er-do-well's found it as well.

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