Anon 08/07/2023 (Mon) 09:26 No.8738 del
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> Yakovlev-vad_FluttGuitar.png
Good. Has a natural looking body that works well enough. Nice style, as you say.

> DarkCity-ins.jpg)
Is this what you were talking about with lighting? This one is a good one and seems to demonstrate that. SFM anthros usually suck but she is actually looks good. Above not hideous tier. I actually like it.

A little uncanny valley. Lighting isn't terrible but they do have a bit more of a stick figure plastic look.

These selection of images I'll admit feels like a whiplash of tone and a bit random despite it all being anthro.
<previous posts
<Felt like posting some gifs I found when going through old stuff of mine. just a bunch of walk cycles of varying degrees (but overall) decent quality.
<>Felt like posting some bridges today. No other shared context or quality exists between these pictures.

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