Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 09:19 No.8761 del
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Same as >>8756. Even if incomplete I might go ahead and check out just from sheer curiosity.

>I don't know what this is either, but I assume that is directed at bridgefag.
Nothing big, just informing me of a message he left.

>Another thing I'll mention: This seems to be the fate of many webcomics. I'm thinking of a certain one that was abandoned by the Double Rainboom guy that still stings a bit.
The Ballad of Mecha Pinkie Pie. You aren't the first one I've seen lamenting its abandonment. It triggered me to go back and look. Though I found most of the art to be a bit on the armature side (something I usually like from this period but this time it didn't "click", sans panel 11). Did seem like Flamingo1986 was putting a lot of thought into it where he might take it and had a lot of concepts floating around in his, ahem, concept art. The end product was just about to get to the start of anything interesting happening and...

>Another thing I'll mention: This seems to be the fate of many webcomics.
that might be worse than a story that at least got half way through in some ways. With, life, school and the pursuit of careers I suppose it is the fate of many comics and fics alike to be in various states of incomplete and abandoned.