Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 17:52 No.9338 del
>>Another sad thing about all of those post bodies being gone: think of all the YouTube links to pony music videos and other videos which may have only existed in = all gone now.
>The comfort I have here is a somewhat cold one. The great privating of unlisted videos that already occurred probably took out most of the videos that would've been unlisted.
I don't get it, how is that a comfort? That event made videos even more inaccessible.

Possible solution: make a union mount or overlay filesystem. In this video - - he says that the lower layer of the overlay FS = read-only; that wouldn't be very helpful to me if I couldn't delete "./lower_layer/somefile.txt", and also maybe not helpful because programs would try deleting from the non-lower-layer folder. (If I can delete ./lower_layer/somefile.txt then I could compare upper layer with lower layer occasionally to manually delete files to better sync them.)