Anon 02/17/2024 (Sat) 18:18 No.9597 del
>video file /ipfs/QmSzfpLt2ZFDMmHetj6D735Pz8CT6PUWDj9H9xBqy3MJDE
Mostly restored webpage (WARC+raw):

What I learned from restoring that webpage... Downloaded via
>$ wget --page-requisites --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows
In the main HTML I got links that looked like this: "link=default.css@v=1234". The Browser couldn't apply CSS from that, so the raw was modified to look similar to "link=default.css". Without --restrict-file-names it would download it as "link=default.css?v=1234", but that didn't work well at file:/// because it would do some percent encoding stuff with "?". CSS seemed broken in WARC replay, but that's the original data. Nice-looking modified raw - watch the video here (no comments):

Or watch it at wbm/yt, but is bloatware. The website (KYM) is also bloatware. KYM has many MLP-related things.

Knowledge of many external things is important, but knowledge of internal things, self-knowledge, is important too. I'm probably interested in archiving, decentralized technologies, data analysis, data wrangling, web development, programming, and digital media. Such interests influence what I do with my time and may also result in me working on IT or computer-focused things outside of the aforewritten.

Video from

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