Anon 03/15/2018 (Thu) 03:48:21 No.984 del
>I would have some things that I had thought around the day yet I lose the touch after those moments and I don't get to send them if it's not at that moment. I don't want to transmit chaotic or childish feelings though,just sending something right at the peak of creativity or inspirations.

I say go ahead and post something even if it is chaotic or childish. Sure perhaps have a little restraint but this is a judgment freeish (being still a chan) zone. At lest write it out even if you deem it unworthy to post, never know where it may lead.

>She censors herself but she realizes that something else is needed for taking the next step. It would be a pretty romantic story and I admit that I have posted this because of the images.

It is a nice little cute story, at least the A side, the context on top of the subtext.

>the bats were mere companions of the board,background figures,hearing what I was saying.

I like the idea of bats being the inhabitants of this board since the thread is also one of are larger ones. I know minor off topic observation.

>You is you, because I am saying hard words.

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