#JVih97 10/05/2019 (Sat) 18:10:58 No.10200 del
Baker #1, con't.
>>9664, >>9664, >>9674 Keystone Digg, con't. (Marianne Williamson, MKU)
>>9667, >>9669, >>9681 Dems seek anti-Trump docs; get crooked HRC/Biden docs instead; moar on Pelosi involvement
>>9668 GOP members on House committees are rebelling: "This is not an impeachment inquiry"
>>9677, >>9727 Shill report from this bred (sudden increase; are we over the target?); also, where to find Q's "they want you divided"
>>9684, >>9693, >>9828 DJT tweet with "outrages" and several Q drops
>>9686 HRC campaign is fund-raising; is she going to run in 2020??
>>9690, >>9885, >>9888, >>9889 Russian Deputy AG Karapetyan in unauthorized heli flight crash; linked to Veselnitskaya (from Oct 2018)
>>9710 Unemployed climate activists (Extinction Rebellion) spend their time blocking traffic instead of looking for jobs
>>9717 New Cali law allows creation of public banks
>>9720 Call to DIGG: Kappy Interactive Mind Map
>>9689, >>9721, >>9726, >>9749, >>9822 Watch Dig
>>9724 Antifa calls for 'America is Canceled' protest to 'disrupt' Trump's Minneapolis rally on Oct 10
>>9732, >>9736, >>9739, >>9747, >>9755, >>9769 Tips for posting, saucing, describing posts (time stamps important)
>>9752 Mint Press on Trump, Assange, Wikileaks & surveillance at London embassy
>>9757, >>9784, >>9785, >>9788, >>10002 Disturbing news on vaccines as a bioweapon

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