Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 18:49:43 No.10245 del
Might as well correct the bash script to >>10181 's pastebin: . The zfs version of the script "worked for me", however the pastebin version has errors.

Also might as well add this line between Notables Aggregator and Bash Script:
8chan Monthly Q Research Archives:

Reposting >>585 (several pb) for posterity.

9.1 GB (9,127,055,690 bytes) (About 105 GB uncompressed)

md5sum monthlysnapshots.7z
ec0eb6c1bf8947867dc3ac303f36cc7a monthlysnapshots.7z

sha256sum monthlysnapshots.7z
2c0a49882f6a81638f8314ca5aa9e52fd8e4165801fff983043aab4deb79f77a monthlysnapshots.7z

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