Anonymous 10/07/2019 (Mon) 09:57:18 No.11369 del
It turns out Anons can work anywhere and everywhere.
What is the only rule?
Even that will seem silly when we meet in the future.
Thousands and moar on the way.
Frens forever prolly.
Children talking about the Anons to their Children.
How weird we are.
How we help to save man and woman kind, for the Children.
Protect the Elders.
Anons def have moar than they know.
Moar resources, moar brains, moar heart, less greed, moar research.
Beware the shill always lurking for a way in.
Beware the Anons working together.
Mislead them, they will find out.
And ask their POTUS 'no deals'.
shills can change now, like dems can change now, like fake news can change now.
Now would seem like a GOOD time.

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