Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 15:55:49 No.12229 del
We are reclaiming our world, and coming to truly see it, many of us for the first time. We recognize it is a rational place, governed by physical laws that apply to both material and abstract or conceptual structures.

That just as in Colombia the "anti kidnapping squad" runs the hostage-for-ransom business, Unicef, Children's Defense Fund and hundreds of similar chairitble organizations focused on children are fronts for organized criminal activity, from narcotics trafficking to pedovore satanist child stealing and smuggling.

The whole criminal underground economy that has always existed is being dragged into the light and its roots in Sumer and Babylon, in the worship of Moloch and the asherah.

These entities are not "supernatural" they are governed universal physical laws that apply to mathematical structures of all kinds, which are immortal, dynamic self improving and which exist outside of our 3d time.

Our popular culture functions as a mirror. When a corrupted image, selfish, materialistic, hyper sexualized culture is shown in the mirror We the People take the poisoned image for ourselves. "that's just what we're like. "Man is a bad animal."

The Rockefeller Foundation paid Hadley Cantril at Princeton to test what we would believe not about ourselves (because most of us believe we're immune to deception) but about others.

Cantril organized a famour broadcast, War of the World's, not to test whether we would panic in face of Martian invasion but if we would believe that other people would believe.

We will believe things about others we will not believe about ourselves. Therefore we can be manipulated easily with a continuous steam of news and entertainment disparaging human character, motives and mental capacity.
We come to accept hate as a normal condition.
This is Information Poisoning and it's been going on for many years. "We will know we have succeeded when everything the American people believe is false," said CIA director William Colby. A big part of our false beliefs are underestimation of who and what We the People are.

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