Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 16:47:54 No.12293 del
luvU FBI Vault

Newly Released FBI Document Dump Shows Hillary Had Two IPads But Only Turned Over One to FBI!
Joe Hoft by Joe Hoft October 8, 2019

Hillary Clinton did not hand over one of her iPads requested by the FBI in their investigation related to her email abuse in 2015. This was uncovered from documents released by the FBI late last week.

But per a another document dump released late last week, we now know that one of Hillary’s iPad’s was not provided to the FBI. One document shows notes from an FBI agent during an apparent interview with former Hillary aid Monica Hanley. In the notes Monica Hanley was the recipient of Clinton’s old iPad. She used it for a year. She ‘thinks’ she wiped the iPad before she got it, but the iPad was still showing up as being Clinton’s iPad –

According to the notes, the iPad was requested and returned to Hillary in October 2015, the same time that Hillary was appearing before Congress regarding her (non) actions in Benghazi which resulted in the deaths of four Americans in 2012. But according to prior reports Hillary only handed over one iPad to the FBI. Where is the other and which iPad was turned over?