Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 15:09:28 No.13979 del
>Wrong. If you read letter head, it says "Office of Inspector General".
Yes it does. And you didn't compare it to real documents from SDIG, did you?

>a bit more effort on your side than just bitching.
In 5 minutes the actual office was found, actual documents from the office were found and posted FOR YOU.
MINIMAL due diligence.

OP got it from a Russian site, made zero effort to identify, even translate the watermark, did not link to site in OP, did not compare to SDIG actual documents.

>There's no letterhead other than the seal.
Compare it to actual SDIG documents I linked for you.

>There's no letterhead other than the seal.
COMPARE it to actual documents and see the difference. There's NO header or footer. Not the structure of actual SDIG documents or letters. It's not the right font.

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