Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 17:13:53 No.14044 del
thx anon, there's so much stuff here, thought it was worth a copy pasta
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Inside Hunter Biden's Dealings With Shadowy Foreign Firms

Hunter Biden is the ultimate fail-son, or black sheep.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, it has emerged in recent years to describe the spoiled, sloppy and clumsily power-hungry offspring of powerful individuals. Hunter Biden is more infamous for his often drug-fueled antics, and the brief and embarrassingly public romance he shared with his deceased brother's widow, than he is for being a successful businessman. But now his business career has been exposed for what it truly is: Foreign players hoping to use the younger Biden as a backdoor connection to the White House, and the American political elite.

Often, Biden dropped hints about how these connections could be useful, though there's not much of a record of him actually using his connections (that is, actually being useful) on his employer's behalf (which doesn't mean it didn't happen).

According to the FT, Biden's business interests "often show up in unexpected places." While Democrats obviously prefer to focus on their impeachment investigation, there's no denying that Biden's business dealings in Ukraine, China and elsewhere clearly raise questions about potential conflicts that existed while his father was in office. Joe Biden has denied wrongdoing, but questions linger over his role in the ouster of a top Ukrainian prosecutor, which some have suggested was done to help protect Hunter.

When Hunter joined the Navy Reserves in May 2013, he required several waivers (at 42, he was above the age of enlistment, and there was an unspecified 'drug-related' incident that also would have disqualified him).

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