Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 17:18:59 No.14049 del

Hunter Biden Business Interests
con't, PAGE 4 of 4 (not 3)

Contemporary Amperex Technology
Current. World’s largest lithium-ion battery maker. BHR invested Rmb100m in CAT in 2015 and cashed out for Rmb197m three years later.

Current. Leading Chinese biopharmaceutical firm in which BHR has invested.

Tenke Copper Mine
Cashed out. BHR paid $1.1bn for a 24% stake in DRC’s Tenke copper mine, one of the world’s largest, from Canada-based Lundin Mining. BHR acted as middleman in the deal, as it later sold its stake to China Molybdenum, a state-backed miner, allowing the latter to gain full control of Tenke.

Henniges Automotive
Current. In 2015, BHR teamed up with Chinese state-owned Avic Auto to acquire Michigan-based Henniges Automotive, which makes auto components. The deal, valued at $600m, gave BHR a 49% stake in Henniges. A research institute under Avic Auto’s parent company, China’s largest defence contractor, was added to the US export blacklist in 2014.

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