Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 00:55:09 No.15950 del
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Others, non-professionals and citizens expressed their response to this nightmare program, understanding the implications and how it would be abused to target Patriots:

Government Wants Your Fitbit Data Because You May Be a Mass Murderer
Nate Swanner
September 3, 2019

A new report from The Washington Post suggests the White House has been briefed on a potential new agency named ‘HARPA.’ This agency, in turn, would monitor your FitBit or other wearable data in real-time so it could tell if you’re a mass murderer.

First proposed in 2017 by The Suzanne Wright Foundation, HARPA is positioned on its website as an agency that will “drive innovation in biomedical research.” It’s an idealistic approach to solving lingering medial issues, like treating cancer, “that have not benefitted from the current system.”

Rather than stay that course, The Suzanne Wright Foundation approached the Trump administration again last week (after high-profile mass shootings, mind you; WaPo says HARPA has “gained momentum” in the wake of massacres in El Paso and Dayton) with a new idea: HARPA should include a project dubbed “Safe Home,” an acronym for “Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes.”

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