Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:31:58 No.16296 del
Some people believe time isn't real at all, just a construct of human "social programming"...

Others believe it is a grinding reality, serving little other purpose but to remind us how little of it we have...

I believe the experience of time is tangible, and relevant to our experience.

The experience of time allows for the experience of change, and thus motion.

The unit of measure is absolutely arbitrary. And the experience of time is absolutely non-linear. The measurement of "time" is an advantage as it allows us to agree the we are indeed existing in the same moment, and thus allows us to experience each other.

Even before we actively measured time, we had the experience of one moment being distinctly different than the next. Thus time is indeed a part of our experience, regardless of its measure.

A feeling of being a "slave" to the clock merely describes the "experience" of having too little time. This comes from our internal definitions, of which we are in control.

We are only "programmed" to the extent that we allow ourselves to hold onto beliefs that do not support our true natural selves.

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