Anonymous 10/16/2019 (Wed) 00:24:02 No.18210 del
>posting enabled?
That's the question. Just being able to tour the place isn't gonna do much for us.

Question anons:
Think we might be initially inundated w/curious normies (moar than b4, bc of all the PR)?
Or will they--as in the past--be too skeered to show up on big, bad 8chan?
It's not just curiosity; as a baker, I'm thinking ahead about how to handle that kind of situation. Just telling people to 'fuck off back to Reddit' isn't gonna do it--and they can't even 'go back' to voat in most cases....
there is a site, patriots awoken, on 8chan where newbies can go and kind of get the sense of how to use 8chan (i put up a formatting thread there, everybody always wants to learn markup). But i don't think most newbies know that site exists.