Anonymous 10/20/2019 (Sun) 14:19:06 No.20563 del
>How do we flip Cali?
>tv shows, memes
>the great awakening
>is there any movie
You are watching a movie.
In the 2018 prequel vladimir putin used his space lasers to fry california because degenerates wouldn't stop cooming to cuk p0rn lol.
I doxxed myself on 8chan like I did on this site a few threads ago, except that in 8 I was waaaay more belligerent and profane. I called for a strong viking phenotype to inseminate hotwheel's girlfriend's womb with nordic warrior semen in order to counteract the (((ethnoreligious))) diseases of hot wheels and improve the genetic stock of humanity. Now I'm paranoid that cripplekike is using my internet ID and his satanic computer wizardry to keep 8 offline.
...sorry anons...
Well, at least Trump hasn't HAARPquaked california yet, because that might kill at least six million.

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