Anonymous 10/21/2019 (Mon) 23:53:45 No.21095 del

As promised, we are now releasing complicated information on the alleged scheme by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and related officials to launder hundreds of millions of dollars via the Ukrainian sovereign bond market, with the help of the Bank of Ukraine.

CD Media can confirm this scheme is under investigation by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General and the information has been provided to the FBI.

First some background.

Valeriya Gontareva, the former head of the Bank of Ukraine (NBU – Ukrainian central bank) made her reputation at ING Bank where she was responsible for local trading of Ukrainian debt. Her nickname was ‘Lerka-Obligashka”, loosely translated to English as “Valery-Obligation”. She met Poroshenko when she worked at ING and became a trusted financial advisor of the soon to be minister and then president of Ukraine.

Leaving ING Bank, Gontareva obtained financing from Poroshenko and investors. She and others from the finance sector created ICU Capital — an investment brokerage house and later investment bank. Her partner at ICU included Makar Paseniuk, a nephew of Oleksandr Paseniuk, and Konstantin Stetsenko. The work team was sourced from various places, including BNP Paribas, ING, Calyon Bank, etc.

Sources Reveal International Warrant Has Been Issued For Arrest Of Democratic Poster Child Valeriya Gontareva (Former Head of Bank Of Ukraine) For Money Laundering
Former Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Valeria Gontareva
As head of the Bank of Ukraine, Gontareva issued liquidity financing for ‘special banks’. In Ukraine, this procedure is known as ‘refinans’ — a short name for ‘refinancing’ credit based on collateral deposited by commercial banks at the central bank. Complaintants to the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office allege Gontareva and her ‘refinancing team’ received kickbacks of 10-15% from the procedure. The choice of banks to credit is totally under the control of a few specific individuals at NBU — the head of the central bank, the head of monitoring, and the head of the banking sector. Gontareva controlled the refinancing rate. It is worth remembering that Gontareva was the head of NBU for three years, yet still remained an owner of ICU the entire time.

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