Anonymous 10/22/2019 (Tue) 10:08:19 No.21264 del
i don't think you quite understand the consensus of how nonq thought of jim. They bad mouthed him to the point he is known as the phillepean pig farmer. I partook in none of that and actually dared to defend him after years of watching people shit on him. One time people where trying to say he was a human trafficker. Not hard to make up living in a 3rd world nation. I actually defended him in that instance. Some old thread on end/pol/. I used to think all masons where bad. But personally they are all individuals. I was aware of the amorphous masonic magnet that sucks info like a black fucking hole and did not want to be datamined for antimasonic shitposts. I turned around realizing the man never censored me. If anything a masonic mod on 8/pol/ ~2017 was where a lot of legitimate censorship came from. They are not bad but we don't know what masonry is so well that makes it something that can not be speculated on. Im not making monty python and the holy grail puns im saying the basic consensus of the skeptical profane without clumping jim into the Q team which we know he is congruent. But you need to understand i just assumed he liked to soak in tubs of piss because someone said that is what the goldwater meant. I knew nothing of the goldwater standard in news. Fucking hell i am trying not slandering a damn individual. But the clumping of masonic affiliation makes these awful situations like the one we have to work to expose. For who? The masses. THE MASSES. NOT THE PROFANE NOT THE INITIATES HUMANITY GETS A FAIR SHAKE DAMMIT.