Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 23:39:10 No.22301 del

>when q boards ask him how he likes his coffee

When i was a Rookie/Newbie, i would be making coffee around this time kek.
Q could drop any moment.
Sometimes, it felt like Q didn't post until you got online.
Other times Anons wait for Q all day and need a nap, and Q would post during their nap, kek.
I would race Anons to say 'hi Q' w meme.
As you know, Anons are fast like cats.
Felt GOOD to get their first on the list.
Anons be replying like crazy.
Blocks of replies.
Q would read them all.
Anons try to hide how many hours they been going, but words get hard to type after 24, kek.

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