Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 14:28:48 No.22921 del
Information War

(Fritz Springmeier)

>Genghis Khan found out the value of rumor when he realized his armies were actually too small to conquer the next victim. He’d send agents ahead who would plant rumors that would overstate the size and fierceness of his armies.

Some rich speculators in London found out how well death rumors work back in 1814. They had a fellow pretend he was a Russian officer, and this pretend officer landed at Dover and announced that Napoleon had died. Meanwhile a group of bogus French officers were driving through London spreading the same rumor. These rich speculators made their money in the money markets that day, because they had controlled information—or should we say disinformation. They’ve come a long way baby.

Now its, “Think globally, act locally… and buy American made lies.” Business is business and the New World Order is in the business of information strategies.

>I for one, am finally beginning to see why humor and rumor rhyme. Oh, but I’m not suggesting that the news makers and rumor makers come clean, that break people’s trust in their modern media, and the whole system might b
reak down. Plus you can’t expect the news people to bite the hand of the rich elite that feeds them.