Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 18:40:23 No.23093 del

>Lindsey & Romney
I'm not going to do Graham at all, as that is supremely self-defeating and would be very detrimental to
POTUS. He is in a critical position and we need him. So do alienate him would be folly.
>We need him? (lindsey? why? what do you know anon?)
We are to Digg Meme Pray and Lindsey is on the list.

Romney is lost. Every conservative knows this, so that is not worth the time. No memes are going to convince him to support POTU
>The memes are not for him anon, they are for his following. (did you forget)
We are to Digg Meme Pray and Romney is on the list.

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