Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 03:28:35 No.23552 del
(351.24 KB 800x362 Q drop 07242019_1.png)
>>23518 Nice1s
>>23523 #BeBest
Thank you FLOTUS.
Rest well POTUS.
Normies trying to sleep.
Spooped out by Anon Notables.
Finally researching.
What they find, sad but True.
What we are, gold star researchers.
What we do, win Elections.
Even during WR1 I used to say 'Honor to serve w the Anons'.
True then, True now.
When this is over, History will remember the Anons.
Night Shift, the Flippening, 8, End, deltas, hash, herding Cats.
Wonderful days, 12 months to go.
Think 'get Voters Truth'.

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