Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 10:13:27 No.23905 del
was just looking at this bred title. Remember it, one of the comp'd breds for sure.
think i sniped next bred with title like "QResearch is not racist edition"--just to put it out there that people objected to weird racist shit titles by comp'd bakers.
Don't seem to have a screenshot, tho. Sad....

>Re allowing 8chan to get nuked
Quite possible.
Shit show was most definitely still going on right b4 8chan went down. This was posted the day before--documents BO's continuing efforts to shit on QR. He didn't stop even after "Revert" from Q--kept positing crap stuff, NEVER apologized or offered to step down.
Have other posts but this series really shows how BO continued to subvert QR.