Anonymous 10/27/2019 (Sun) 03:56:40 No.24997 del
>Can you break that down in layman's terms for the rest of us?
I'll try anon. And it gets better when you throw in the 1 year delta.

Times are Trump Twitter Archive time which is EST
>Oct 22, 2019 10:38:41 PM
Potus twats 'ot' vs 'or'. key letter 't'

>Oct 22, 2019 10:43:38 PM
Potus corrects the misspelling to 'r' 5 minutes after the first tweet.

Add the key letter to the delta for 25 and then go back 25 days from the day of the twat. That gets you to 9/27. Scan potus twats on 9/27 for misspellings or key words/phrases.

Typo when potus twats twice at 06:41:59am and 06:42:00, 1 second apart. Usually, I don't think the seconds are significant, but in this case it may be. This is clearly a double combined post which is proven when he corrects both at the same time. I'm not sure but I think it was intentionally posted to have two different minute timestamps with a :41: and a :42:. The twat on the 42minute has a typo of a missing 'd'. 'an' typed instead of 'and'. Key letter there is the 'd'.

Continue scanning the 9/27. The first tweet of the day which was 2 twats earlier, is the "Liddle', not Liddle" rant at fake news CNN. 3 times potus uses 'Liddle'. Not typos, but notice he's replacing 't's with 'd's. Same key letters. At that point it seems like a coincidence worth pursuing.

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