MESSAGE RECEIVED!! Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 01:44:47 No.25 del
(119.61 KB 865x599 Scavino pic.jpg)
1. Potus retweets a 2 month old Dday tweet.
2. Scavino posts cryptic photo on facebook with never before seen meme of Trump and "THE END" showing in the mirror.

The scavino one is weird cus the photographer is showing in the shot... so it's obvious that they didn't crop it on purpose. Read between the lines, it's go time anons.

Scavino pic -

Trump tweet -
Look at his retweet from around 7amCT
SCAVINO PHOTO - what do we see?
Scavino pic w/ photog showing is reminiscent of Rachel Chandler's Self Portrait Marfa journal.
>pic related
The photog showing themselves IN the picture is very intentional. Who is the photographer here? Looks an awful lot like RC!! (see >>1341 (You) first photo)

The images around the bottom of the mirror and up the side are added in later (not reflections) obviously of people and places - too small for me to really see clearly. BUT - there is a large, large photo with POTUS on it with arm outstretched, black background and the word "The End"

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