Anonymous 11/01/2019 (Fri) 19:29:12 No.28723 del
you will pay for what is obviously your duplicitousness or ignorance...
the result will be the same.
>¹if you cannot hold all of qdata And what it implies in your head at the same time... that is excusable.
>²denying the reality that is staring you in the face though, is unacceptable.
<as for fear, do you not know that the mad know no fear?
God Is going to destroy this Continuum, soon_ish.
you will see it in your natural span if you live long enough.
many will not, and That cannot be stopped either.
most of perception is a distraction from what is actually important.
this movement, in the final analysis, will be no different.
(ye)'ll hear not... some may though.