Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 01:02:07 No.28964 del
Leftists are leftists because they have been manipulated' into believing self-defeating and nation-destroying falsehoods.

Edward Bernays was brought up earlier. Have you learnt nothing from him?
>Manipulation not necessary
Manipulation is absolutely necessary, because at this point their entire worldview is based on falsehood.

You are assuming the goal and method is unethical. Re-read Q posts. EVERYTHING is manipulated in our world. Straight-on, calmly recited facts and figures and logic do not work.
READ Bernays.

This is what has been employed against us, the public. The reason certain advertising maxims exist is because they are true. Repetition works, other principles work, that is why they are used. That is how people have been manipulated into becoming leftists.

Advertisers, inspired and instigated by Bernays learned to use psychology. Logic and facts NO NOT WORK on Leftists.
I've tried it
you've tried it
others have tried it
Has it ever worked? Even once?

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