Anonymous 11/03/2019 (Sun) 02:27:47 No.29856 del
>It may be too late to fix that training now.
Yes, I believe it is.

You are accurate about so much that you've said here, Anon, and I am grateful for just the insight and the dialogue you've provided.
As far as putting the dog outside, I really cannot...where I live it's still 95 degrees and humid as hell and it's fukken November. My state is not homeless-friendly in any sense of the word. All we are missing is snow & long freezing winters. Plus he's been an inside dog his entire life (he's 5 1/2 yrs) and even if the weather weren't so harsh, I would still feel awful putting him/them outside that way.
You're right about me not being a proper Alpha in our I am loath to physically discipline my dogs & how I typically deal with him when I come home to find fresh puddles of urine throughout the house is to curse like a sailor (and occasionally scream if I'm having a particularly difficult day)...if I tell him in a stern tone that if he doesn't stop pissing in the house I'm going to kick his ass (not meaning it, of course) he gets this look on his face and typically retreats under my bed for a few minutes until I'm done ranting about it. He's a sweet dog (they both are) and I am terrible about training dogs-period. So really it is entirely my fault that he has the few behavior problems he has. So I can't punish him for my I said, it just really puts the brakes on even considering asking the 1 or 2 people I know that would even consider letting me stay with them for a short term; I can't omit the fact that he pees indoors & if someone said, 'Well, you can come stay with us for a couple months but you'll have to get rid of your dog/dogs..' that is not something I could do.
And as far as crating, if he had been crate-trained as a pup it would be a viable short-term solution but he's never been in one and would possibly injure himself if left in one doesn't help either that I work 12-hr midnight shifts and am sometimes gone for 16+ hours at a stretch because I have a bit of a commute, have to leave the house almost 2 hrs early to beat rush hour traffic, and on and on it goes.
I put puppy pads down in the living room when I'm gone (because that's a long time to ask a dog to "hold it", imo) and they both use them...but he still pees on pretty much everything. A fuckin plastic grocery bag falls on the kitchen floor...I come home to it covered in pee. It's frustrating and sad for so many reasons...with the exception of my bed, there is no furniture anywhere in my house because A. I cant afford it & B. I know for a fact he would urinate on it in less than 24 hours.

I'm sorry for rambling, Anon...I know this really isn't the place, but I am a loner who doesn't really talk to anyone (except for brief exchanges with coworkers) but you guise. I'm just overwhelmed with my situation & what's coming in the weeks ahead and I'm not looking forward to any of it.
Please know though, that I truly, truly appreciate you taking the time to offer sound solutions to my pup means a lot that you care, fren.