Anonymous 11/06/2019 (Wed) 04:37:40 No.31872 del
Like I've told you a few times, examples of prophets are the Buddhas, Soloman, Yeshua/Jesus/Lesus, Lucifer, Prometheus, Tesla, Atlas and so many more.
They call them prophets but really they are people that realized the secret (occult) and began to tell people. He was murdered in every story you've ever heard and it's done on purpose every time to show you that the archetype will be dealt with. It's a way to demoralize you, so as not to realize the truth nor reveal it.

You are NOT your body, anon. You occupy this flesh currently. You chose this, this body.
You will soon remember.

Okay, so I see now my issue was I wasn't being specific enough. My apologies. I should have been more specific about the type of loosh to which I was referring. You passed...

Anon... the spark is divinity. YOU are divine. Not your body, but you.

No, the subconscious is... well, you. You don't have three versions of you. What you and others call "ego" is the infestation of Saturn about your body.

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