Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 23:03:22 No.33817 del
(262.94 KB 423x759 screenshot.png)
ok sorry man got to use u for shti exmple... but here we go kek

Anons, see this psot ^^^^ this is where u would post ur dig, THEN as a great anon u would generate the best shittiest meme u can, to go with it... even if its a screen crap. such as picture attached.

Again the effort works best when u do all 3


>no anon i have genrated ur meme to share. scren crap. so now u must take this meme and start sharing on the social channels.

Again (You) Must DIG MEME PRAY
(Most Effective)

-Main News Topics are suggested for memeing, dont waste time on BS

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