Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 06:39:17 No.34282 del
(232.71 KB 640x360 Grand Canyon.jpg)
(24.73 KB 500x300 grand canyon shock.jpg)
I heard a theory years ago, possibly part of the Electric Universe lectures, that the Grand Canyon could have been dug out in a few seconds by tremendous static discharges from a nearby heavenly body, say Saturn being pushed out of near orbit, or Nibiru passing through on its way out to deep space. It could have even been a 25km asteroid passing through, discharging some built up static electricity or what-not. I've never heard the stacked planets thing, wonder if the phrase "eye of God" shows up in the old testament, egyptian book of the dead or other ancient texts.
I wonder if we can get the ancient knowledge the ruling families supposedly guard since the days of antiquity (like before Sumer and Egypt) dropped on a board on 8kun. Q did say the choice to know would be ours, and I choose to know. Even the dark stuff, I think I want to know it all.