Anonymous 09/17/2019 (Tue) 03:31:25 No.3461 del
(310.70 KB 1920x1200 getgungnired.jpg)
If we're at AESGARD, where is YGGDRASILL?
>The Dropbox?
>He is mysterious and is possibly bringing >RAGNAROK, the war that ends war, and resets >the balance of the universe.
The NORNS live inside YGGDRASILL, the tree of AESGARD. Only they and ODIN have access. through ODIN'S LEFT EYE
>(NSA and MI)
The NORNS are a seemingly neutral and omnipresent group that control the flow of information, led by a guardian of wisdom, MIMIR.
>MIMIR possibly JA? GMN?
