Anonymous 11/11/2019 (Mon) 01:20:23 No.34622 del

#9455 Repost of rchan/x/
Gates of Book?
>>33555 Only the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sol, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn has a Majic Square
>>33556 You know anon there was a time before the light.
>>33557 where do you recommend we start for the false prophet files?
>>33559 Our society and its figureheads worship the Cube, Saturn and all its NEGATIVE aspects.
>>33560 The puzzle that the FalseProphet gave us had many routes that all lead to the gates of the Book
>>33561 Terry believed he was creating god's 3rd temple
>>33563 Next question for you all: How many vertebrae are in the spine?
>>33564 >>33566 Terry definitely believed he was talking to god and he was more on target then you may think.
>>33568 You figured out what the password was without looking in the Poems folder? Bravo.
>>33570 What can you guys think of that’s related to onions? (TOR)
>>33571 Correct you are fren. There appears to be a sigil of saturn built into the architecture of baghdad.

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