Anonymous 11/21/2019 (Thu) 06:09:51 No.39713 del

The so called "counter-intel" agents such as Zainab Ahmad, for example...claim to be that but actually work for the British Empire to achieve the goals of the empire..and they use the terror they create to achieve their goals...the British Empire is under the control of the Venetian Black Nobility Crown Banking Cartel, which runs the Khazarian mafia of the state of Israel and their fake Kabbalah religion... they are not the true tribes of Israel...The Queen of England is from German descent, not the legit Queen...these people are neo Nazis, they run the global banking cartel, the Rothschilds are their principal agents, but there are other families such as the Passeurs, Rockerfellers, Warburg from various countries..via the Committee of 300 The Queen leads the various Black Nobility families...which otherwise if not under the Queen would be is now one of these groups loyal to China, to Soros, to Hillary and Obama who are attempting to take-out Trump... see the links I posted with more details...will be back another day with more info... good night!