Anonymous 11/22/2019 (Fri) 19:52:32 No.40655 del
What does criminal enterprise mean?
"The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as “a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged in significant criminal activity.” Typically, we think of drug cartels, racketeering enterprises, or even the Gestapo."
Why would the FBI want to investigate Prince Andrew?
Where did the money come from?
How much money did he receive from Epstein?
How did Andrew get involved?
Is he not terribly bright?
Was it Maxwell?
How deep is Andrew in this?
Is Andrew already named in RICO indictments?
Did Andrew step down from the money laundering vehicle pitch@palace today?
What happens to the Monarchy if Corbyn is Prime Minister?
What also happens to the Monarchy if Diana's murder is exposed?
What also happens to the Monarchy if Andrew is indicted and the Palace knew?
What are the Panama and Paradise papers?
Is The Firm immune from money laudering, drug trafficking and other RICO laws in the UK?
How about in the US?

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